Charles L. Chen Apps

Click, Link, Compete 1.0
Click, Link, Compete aims to make multiplayergaming simple on Android.See website for details.Note: This library comes with a head-to-head air hockey game asa demo app. :)
Randroid: Random xkcd 1.0.0
Randroid is a talking random xkcd comicviewer.Press the Speak button to hear the commentary (or even a fulltranscript if you so choose) for the comic.Press the Random button to get another random xkcd comic.All credit for the xkcd comic ( goes to Randall Munroe;I'm just a fan who wanted to make a viewer.
CLiCkin 2 Da BeaT (Beta) 0.2
CLiCkin 2 Da BeaT is an open sourcerhythm/music game for Android. The goal is to tap on the beattarget when its circles come together as one.It is still in early beta and polishing is needed, but I amreleasing early and often to give YOU the power to help shape thisgame.Feedback and code patches are welcome
Pet Android Widget 1.0
Your pet Android can answer simple questionssuch as "google stock" or "time new york" if you just double tap onit and ask.For harder questions, it will show you the Google resultspage.It will also get dizzy if you shake the phone and dance if thereis music.Home > Menu > Add > Widgets > Pet Android Widget
mem 1.5
Match the sequence of flashing colors and sounds!